Clean up
your inbox

The fastest way to unsubscribe from newsletters and other spam

Get Started

We care about your privacy

All email access happens in your browser, we do NOT have access to your email account, emails and credentials


Instantly see a list of all your subscriptions and unsubscribe with one click


All access happens directly here in your browser. We do not have access to your email account.

Free Forever

We do not charge for this service. If you like to support us consider signing up for Datum Rewards.


Email newsletters typically take up a majority of your inbox space, delete them with one click.


We never delete emails permanently, deleted newsletters are moved to your Trash folder

Where it works

We support any IMAP enabled mailbox including GMail, Yahoo, Outlook and others


No, we have no access to the credentials that are used to access your email account, all access to your email account happens in Javascript directly here in your browser.

Yes, we support any email provider that supports IMAP access, which is basically everyone.

Yes, Tidy Mail is open source, check out the code at

Clean up your inbox now!

The fastest way to unsubscribe from newsletters and other spam